Du möchtest dich für eine sichere Zukunft einsetzen, gutes Geld verdienen und dabei in einem coolen Team arbeiten?
Dann komm zu uns und werde Dialoger / Promoter für den DGB!
Wir suchen dich: Nebenjob / Vollzeitjob / Studentenjob / Ferienjob / Quere...
What you can look forward to: Be a full-fledged team member from day one, actively involved in managing existing key accounts and acquiring new business opportunities. Take ownership of analyzing financing requests from top-tier sponsors, primarily...
What you can look forward to: Be a full-fledged team member from day one, actively involved in managing existing key accounts and acquiring new business opportunities. Take ownership of analyzing financing requests from top-tier sponsors, primarily...
What you can look forward to: Be a full-fledged team member from day one, actively involved in managing existing key accounts and acquiring new business opportunities. Take ownership of analyzing financing requests from top-tier sponsors, primarily...
What you can look forward to: Be a full-fledged team member from day one, actively involved in managing existing key accounts and acquiring new business opportunities. Take ownership of analyzing financing requests from top-tier sponsors, primarily...
What you can look forward to: Be a full-fledged team member from day one, actively involved in managing existing key accounts and acquiring new business opportunities. Take ownership of analyzing financing requests from top-tier sponsors, primarily...
What you can look forward to: Be a full-fledged team member from day one, actively involved in managing existing key accounts and acquiring new business opportunities. Take ownership of analyzing financing requests from top-tier sponsors, primarily...
What you can look forward to: Be a full-fledged team member from day one, actively involved in managing existing key accounts and acquiring new business opportunities. Take ownership of analyzing financing requests from top-tier sponsors, primarily...
Aufgaben: In den Praxisphasen in einer Filiale in deiner Nähe bereiten wir dich auf ein serviceorientiertes Verkaufen und fachkundiges Arbeiten vor. Du arbeitest aktiv im Tagesgeschäft mit und übernimmst schon früh Verantwortung für organisatorische...
Du bist kreativ, du liebst es dich gestalterisch auszutoben und Moebel zu verruecken? Als Azubi lernst du, wie man Gestaltungskonzepte im Moebelhaus verkaufsfoerdernd plant und entwirft dabei sind deiner Kreativitaet keine Grenzen gesetzt. Ebenso wir...
Was macht man da aus sich?Werde zum Allrounder! Diese Ausbildung, die dir gleich zwei IHKAbschluesse sichert, ist noch relativ neu und deshalb besonders spannend. Organisation: Ob Einkauf, Marketing, Warenpraesentation oder Verkauf du sorgst fuer ei...